Ever built a gate? Sounds so easy but Indiana Jones to the rescue!

Indiana Jones and the Gate

Indiana Jones and the Gate

So there I was with my back yard being almost perfect and yet……and yet…….it was missing a gate. Not just a simple little ditty of a gate, but one that was 106 inches wide. Still, I said to myself easy peasy. I can do that……..along with the crew at Lowe’s who handed me a kit to make your very own gate. Yessssssss! (I do belong to DIY’s anonymous) Mind you this was out of wood! Wood starts to get very heavy. Not just some metal fencing swinging across the yard, purely a cedar wood fence. It actually didn’t take too long to make it …..if…..If ….IF you knew all the pitfalls that that ditty of a kit can’t tell you. I know the feeling, how many patterns have been sneaky tricky!? Yeah, you know where I went and thank goodness Indiana Jones rescued my almost disaster of a simple gate.

The Fence

The Fence

After making sure your posts are cemented down firmly, and squaring up the sides, and after torquing the give and take all that is left is the placing of the boards and the lock, handle and swing! Whoooo hooo! Sorry no passengers.

Finished Gate

Finished Gate

And then there is the gravel and swing and wheel. But, when it comes to making anything, even a gate, I am all over it. Next time…….however…..I won’t have to make so many trips to Lowe’s and miss out on all the building! I am so grateful my Indiana Jones was there to make sure all creatures, big and small, are safe and sound! Whew, so good to be able to sleep well at night! Thank you ever so much Jonesy!

Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Happy trails and happy tails!

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