Truth for the Brave & Courageous

Dear America,

22 States and counting shutting down! Seriously!?!? It’s time for PUSH BACK. I am speaking to Our Nation. We are at a critical impasse in our history and you are losing every last bit of Freedom that has been so dearly fought for. The people so many listen to each day are taking every last breath you make, every last dime you can pocket, and every last peaceful nights rest you and your forefathers (and Thousands of innocent men and women) have fought tirelessly to educate you about. Heartlessly punishing you for their greed and control. Do not give them the satisfaction of your time and intelligence on a second lock down. Push Back!

Please say NO to a second lock down. It will be disastrous. I implore you to do the research. Research is not coming home at night and pushing a button on your Television. That’s called Programming for a reason. You have tools at your fingertips. Be brave and courageous and look Truth straight in the face. You don’t have to be a Warrior to be brave, but you do have to put fear aside. Seek the Truth. It’s not for the faint of heart. Just be brave.

Push Back on a second lock down. Too many lives and too many businesses have been closed and killed. Are you OK with that? They are lying about the numbers, they are lying about social distance. They’ve been lying for decades. Watch as they celebrate divide and conquer. Don’t believe me? Look at history, it’s in a ferocious accelerated REpeat! Yeah, that’s not good.

Don’t let them Shut us down. Murdoch & Company does not call our shots. Literally. Guess what, Freedom isn’t Free if you let them continue to hoodwink you. Shame on you if you think it’s not happening. Fear is a dangerous master.

When in the course of Modern Day Existence, Good intentions become obsolete in the absence of Truth and Courage.  Ah, when good men & women do nothing. PUSH back!

Be Investigative, interested, inspired, intelligent and most importantly INTUITIVE! God gave you  gut feeling and free will, don’t let them take that too. If You don’t have your health you have absolutely nothing. Just Search the destruction these masks do. Mentally and Physically. It’s NOT hard to find. 

PUSH BACK. Keep your family close and take your lives and your holidays back.

PUSH BACK AMERICA, you got this! Please Make a difference, we can’t do this without each other. The WHOLE WORLD IS COUNTING ON US! 

God Bless,


Keep America Free

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