Cinnamon Rolls

One fine morning while visiting the dog park, I found a new and very special friend. I have just moved to a new city and don’t know very many folks. If it’s been awhile since you have moved, things do get lost and somehow never seem to be found. (Still looking for my remote!) That wasn’t exactly the case with my car keys, as they eventually did manage to be found, but not without meeting a most unique and kind friend.

After a morning of frolicking with the boys, I had headed back to my car to get my day into high gear. But I had no keys to be found, in any pocket. After retracing my steps for about 20 minutes, it was clear I  was not going to be getting home soon. At that time this wonderful pack of humans and dogs were also coming in from their rompings and noticed my search. As I explained my dilemma, there was a silence that fell over the entire crowd. Hmmmm…………. Awkward!! Then this tiny little voice chimed in “Hey I have a free morning I can help you!” I hadn’t figured what I was going to do yet, but had a new partner in crime to solve the key scenario. 

Debbie took her dogs home and then was so kind to drive me home to find my back up set up of keys (slight miracle due to the new move I had a spare house key in my pocket-go figure). We both agreed, things always happen for a reason. I found a  great new girlfriend who I, of course, was not only going to pay it forward, but respond directly with a big plate of warm Cinnamon rolls!

I got this recipe from  and did some tweaking that I wanted to share. It has some unique steps which are worth it. I found the butter quantities over the top. By the time you put it in the oven, it melts to the bottom of the pan taking a lot of the cinnamon with it. Upon taking it out of the pan, only the baker gets the ooey-gooey candy bottom. But you might find it different, so I left for your discretion. Oh, and made one batch with pecans. YEssssssssss!

What to wear…….your crocheted mini apron of course! This was a gift from a friend, the flour just shakes right off!

For the rolls:
1 quart whole milk
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup sugar
2 packages dry active yeast
8 cups, plus 1 cup extra (separated) flour
1 heaping tsp. baking powder
1 scant tsp. baking soda
1 heaping T. salt
3 – 4 cups melted butter
2 cups sugar
Generous sprinkling of cinnamon

For the frosting:

1 bag powdered sugar
2 tsp. maple flavoring
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup melted butter
1/4 cup brewed coffee
1/8 tsp. salt

the milk, vegetable oil and sugar in a pan. “Scald” the mixture (heat
just before boiling point). Turn off heat and leave to cool for 45
minutes to 1 hour. When mixture is lukewarm to warm, but NOT hot,
sprinkle in both packages of yeast. Let sit for a minute, then add 8
cups of flour, stir mixture together, cover and let rise for at least
an hour.

After rising, add 1 more cup of flour, the baking powder, baking soda and
salt. Stir mixture together. At this point you could cover the dough
and refrigerate until you need it, overnight or even a day or two, if
necessary. Just keep your eye one it and if it starts to overflow out
of the pan, just punch it down. When ready to prepare the rolls,
sprinkle rolling surface generously with flour. Take half the dough and
form into a rectangle. Roll the dough thin, maintaining a general
rectangular shape. Drizzle 1 1/2 to 2 cups of melted butter over the
dough. Now sprinkle 1 cup sugar over the butter followed by a generous
sprinkling of cinnamon.

Now starting at the opposite end, begin rolling the dough in a neat line
toward you. Keep the roll relatively tight as you go, next pinch the
seam of the roll to seal it. Spread 1 T. melted butter in a seven
inch round foil cake or pie pan. Then begin cutting the rolls about 3/4
to 1 inch thick and laying them in the buttered pans. Repeat with the
other half of the dough, let rolls rise for 20 – 30 minutes, then bake
at 375 F until light golden brown, about 15 – 18 minutes.

For the frosting, mix together all ingredients listed and stir well until
smooth. It should be thick but pourable. Taste and adjust as needed.
Generously drizzle over the warm rolls, don’t skimp on the frosting!

SEE Photos:


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